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Everything posted by ValR

  1. Thanks Heather, that's a great read. We all know how hard Gareth works and he deserves every success with this venture - especially as it's obviously cost him a lot of money to get it started!
  2. Gareth seems to be doing really well with marketing Cuppanut - so pleased for him that all the reviews so far a so positive!
  3. Thanks Heather, A really good review and I agree that the girl who played Rusty and Gareth have a great chemistry - so wish it was somewhere near me again that I could see it soon!
  4. Thanks Val, lovely photos. Gareth looks so happy, hope is voice is now back to normal and he doesn't have to take any more time off from Footloose - he must have hated letting people down.
  5. Thanks Val, really nice to get all the interviews, I bought the OK one and will get the New one as well.
  6. Really pleased the beard has gone, shame to cover up those lovely dimples with all that hair!!
  7. If Gareth is in the show next year I just hope that they are advertised and promoted more - such a shame that a really good show didn't sell that well at some of the venues.
  8. Thanks so much for the link Chris. I missed it last week as I was away and the link to the programme didn't work, thank goodness for youtube! Really lovely, funny interview as it always is with Holly and Philip.
  9. Thanks Heather, that really good to read, I don't know how Gareth manages to fit everything in but I suppose the saying 'if you want something done, ask a busy person,' is very relevant to him! Looking forward to seeing Footloose again in Bradford.
  10. Such a lovely photo Val, so pleased you're sister enjoyed the show, someone to go with in the future! xx
  11. Thanks for the report Linda, you're much better than I am at these things as I just get caught up in watching and don't register who's singing what! As Linda said, Gareth's voice was excellent and even though it wasn't a large audience they were very vocal, especially for Gareth and there was a standing ovation and lots of cheering at the end. Very envious of you going to Telford Linda, I'm hoping to see it again at some point but not sure where. Love Val xx
  12. ValR

    Gareth's Vlogs

    Made me laugh - he'll still be hot when he gets back to Manchester, gorgeous sunshine again!
  13. Thanks Val that's a really good question and answer even though we knew a lot of them already. I didn't realise Gareth had virtually given up drinking, I think Faye has been a good influence there as we all know how much he liked to 'party' a few years ago!
  14. ValR

    Radio Interviews

    Missed it but pleased they played a song from Les Mis.
  15. Laura I remember taking you and your friend (can't remember her name) when Wendy invited us to go and see Gareth at the house on the Sunday of our meet up - lots of us are going through Leeds and I'm sure you could get a train from Middlesborough to there, I was very nervous going on my own for the first time but have made lovely friends and so glad I did it.
  16. Thanks Yvonne - I heard the first hour and he said he was talking to Stiles and Drew later - sorry I missed them as I love Glass Slipper.
  17. I've just reported it as well - it makes very uncomfortable reading and not god for Gareth if anyone really thinks it's him!
  18. Hi Chris, I spoke to them and they said the tickets had been sent out but If I hadn't received them it's not a problem as everthing is on the system and I just have to go to the box office on the night with something with my address on and they'll print new tickets out. I'm going away next week and not back until 26th April so glad it's sorted before I go.
  19. No there isn't that facility Chris. I'll ring them in the morning. We're going to see Josh Groban in May at The Bridgewater Hall in Manchester and those tickets haven't been sent either!
  20. Has anyone else has booked for this at the Parr Hall, Warrington on 5th May. I haven't had my tickets yet and wondered if anyone else has?
  21. Thanks Chris - I think that is the best review so far and there have already been some excellent ones - all the cast must be thrilled to read reviews like this!
  22. ValR

    Gareth's Vlogs

    Thanks Val - no idea how he manages to talk, film and run all at the same time!!
  23. I occasionally buy teabags from a company called tea pig, they also have specialist teas though not based on coconut and are similar though slightly cheaper in price. The use them at quite a few of the nice cafes and garden centres round here. If Gareth could get into the high end retailers and cafes I think he'd do really well with them.
  24. I saw this on Tuesday with Doris and last night with my hubby - on Tuesday there was an understudy on for Ren and I thought the show came across as quite disjointed, the first half especially, and apart from Gareth I wasn't particulary impressed with the performances. A good reception from the audience at the end but only a few people gave a standing ovation. Last night Luke Baker was back as Ren and this made a huge difference to the show. It was much tighter, everyones performances seemed to be much better to me, it also meant there was an extra person playing and singing and I really enjoyed the whole show. Gareth got a fantastic reaction, lots of laughter and the audience loved him. At the end literally everyone was on their feet including my hubby - glad to say he loved it as well and said that Gareth was a great comedy actor - this was such a relief as after Tuesday night I was really worried about him seeing it. Can't wait to see it again in Bradford.
  25. Thanks Val, seeing it tonight, so excited!
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