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Everything posted by ValR

  1. Two other things that Val didn't mention, When Madame Thenardier came out to Cosette at first, she didn;'t bring Eponine with her, she came on later by herself, and also Gavroche did his little song standing on a balcony, not in the middle of the stage. Only very small things and as Val said at this late stage couldn't really see the point of them!
  2. I know what you mean Chris - just when I thought I'd be getting my finances back on track! I'm absolutely thrilled for Gareth though, he's absolutely proved himself to be perfect in the role though as some have said - when will he ever give himself a rest!
  3. I saw it too, what a nice surprise on a miserable Monday morning! It was Alfie Boe who is playing the part of Valjean, much as he seems a nice chap and has a lovely voice, I still think it's wrong that they have brought in people who haven't really been in the show before!
  4. The merchandise stall is to the left of the left front doors - you wouldn't see it at all if you went in on the right! They have the usual t. shirts etc and the 10 year DVD plus of course this tour CD as Cris says.
  5. A friend of mine went to see the show last night having never seen it before - she rang me at 8.45am this morning to say 'I've got to see it again - it was amazing'! I was thrilled but told her that it's sold out but gave her the number for returns - hope she's lucky!
  6. I agree with you about the CD Chris - I drove over to my sisters yesterday and managed to hear the whole CD - transported me straight back to the theatre! I think I might treat myself to another one from Amazon as it is a really good price.
  7. Just been having a laugh at it to too Val. What is it with men and their 'sheds', mine has 2 at home and one at our caravan!
  8. It does seem ridiculous, people who would definitely have bought it on the night might not bother now - such a wasted opportunity!
  9. Thanks so much foe the link Val - I don't think I've heard Earl speak before but what a lovely man he seems to be and he also said some really good and complimentary things about Gareth. Reaaly nice interview and first hearing of the CD as well!
  10. Thanks Heather - a really good review from a critic who has seen the show 50+ times and gave it 9/10!
  11. :I agree Khelda - must have lost a lot of potential sales!
  12. :Thanks Chris - brilliant to see the clip of Gareth!
  13. Lovely - bet Missy is really pleased to be snuggling up to Daddy as well!
  14. Thank goodness he's feeling well enough to let us know how he is - I must admit to being very worried about him!
  15. Me too Chris - I'll get the biscuits!
  16. Wish they'd had those play areas when my kids were small - bet Gareth's loving it! :laugh:
  17. I love that fact that What's on Stage say that there will be 53 cast members from both shows performing and the only one that they mention by name is Gareth!!!! :frantics:
  18. How lovely - thanks Val. So pleased he's managing to fit in precious family time! :smile:
  19. He certainly is and from what we read of Norwich - the smaller stage makes it even hardeer. I have thought that they don't really get enough time between the change of theatres, maybe starting on a Wednesday would have made it better for them all to have a decent break!
  20. Thanks Maggie - some really nice reviews there - lost an hour of my afternoon reading them all! :laugh:
  21. Thanks for all the quotes updates, so enjoy reading them. I'm still amazed that people are going to the show not knowing that Gareth is in it - they obviously don't read any reviews!
  22. Lucky you Doris seeing Gareth, I'm so pleased you had a chance for a quick chat with him. The photos are fantastic - I would say to anyone going to the show that it is well worth the 5 pounds for the brochure, there are so many brilliant photos.
  23. I spotted Gareth in one more role, must've forgotten to nudge Doris at the time! He was one of the judges when Jean Valjean went to the court to admit to who he was and get the wrong prisoner released. Gareth was left hand side in purple! I must admit it was a releif when he finally came on as Marius, at least then I could concentrate on the story instead of Gareth watching! The seats that we had were brilliant, so able to see him very easily, thanks for booking it Doris. We had another brilliant day, it's amazing to think of all the lovely people I've met through Gareth and it was such a treat to see Suzanne and Nicola with the babies. Looking forward to seeing it again next week, Thursday evening with my sister and the last night with Doris.
  24. Well I have a lovely spare bedroom - would have been very happy to let him stay here!! :tongue:
  25. Thanks very much Maggie, loved that review. Val, much as I would this to come again to Manchester for a longer trun, if Gareth was in it not only would I be bankcrupted but probably divorced!!!
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