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Posts posted by Snowdrop

  1. Eternal, I made sure that all references to the songs was included, so you know exactly what Gareth chose and what he said about each track. They are all already available on YouTube or Spotify, so you can listen to them there.

    I needed to remove them from the clip or I'd get copyright messages, and stupid adverts would appear, with the record companies of the songs listed claiming royalties. It also reduced the size of the clip, making it easier to upload and means that fans don't need to faff around fast forwarding through songs if they don't want to hear them. I think it's easier to press pause and listen to them elsewhere if that's what you want to do. :)

  2. Just in case anyone hasn't read the previous thread, and is wondering what this is about - you can read here.

    It's a musical version of the famous children's story "Three Little Pigs", which was written by Gareth's friends, Stiles & Drewe and has already run in Singapore. Gareth is playing one of the pigs!

    It's being released by SimG Productions, and if you go to the relevant page on their website, you can listen to some of the tracks, including Gareth's solo number "A Little House".


    From what is available (and inevitably), it's very obviously aimed at younger children - all good fun! :D

    Here's the track listing for the physical CD - the digital version won't have the bonus tracks.

      • Overture
      • One, Two, Three Little Pigs
        Alison Jiear, Lewis Barnshaw, Amy Lennox & Gareth Gates
      • A Real Pig Sty
        Alison Jiear, Lewis Barnshaw, Amy Lennox & Gareth Gates
      • Perfect For A Pig
        Alison Jiear, Lewis Barnshaw, Amy Lennox & Gareth Gates
      • A Little House
        Gareth Gates
      • A Little House (Reprise)
        Gareth Gates
      • A Bit Misunderstood
        Clive Rowe
      • A Little House – Straw/Twigs/Bricks
        Amy Lennox, Lewis Barnshaw & Gareth Gates
      • To Build A House
        Lewis Barnshaw, Amy Lennox & Gareth Gates
      • I’ll Huff And I’ll Puff
        Clive Rowe
      • Down The Chimney
      • Finale
        Alison Jiear, Lewis Barnshaw, Amy Lennox & Gareth Gates
        Bonus Tracks:
      • One, Two, Three Little Pigs
        George Stiles & Anthony Drewe
      • A Bit Misunderstood
        George Stiles

  3. Thanks Heather, it's good to have your insight. :D

    I wouldn't have thought of Legally Blonde as being particularly "young". It is set against the backdrop of the main characters going to uni, and it isn't meant to be taken very seriously, but I don't think there is anything to put off older theatre fans from enjoying it. Obviously, none of us have seen Loserville yet, but it's set in a high school! So I would say that is more likely to be for a younger audience - but so was the film Grease, and I think we've all enjoyed that long after leaving school! :lol:

  4. Wow, Gareth will be busy. It is a shame that Gareth is missing out on the Bradford leg of the tour, but I bet he'll be rehearsing with the cast that week. No time to catch his breath before starting his next job. And a relief that he's still doing Momentous Musicals.

    Thanks for the tip about buying tickets Elaine. It's a popular show. Nothing near me unfortunately, so I'll have to work out if I can travel. I don't think Warner is a particularly big part. It's one of the principals, but Elle is very obviously the star of the show. :)

  5. I've just realised that there are two women in the final line-up. I clearly wasn't properly awake when I posted this morning. Sorry.

    That makes it look more interesting for possible group numbers. :D

    I'm also thrilled that Gareth is singing "Why God, Why?" After seeing him bowl over the entire theatre (and me) at the Broadway to Westend concert, I'd travel a very long way to hear him sing it again. It was pure joy.

    I'm still a bit concerned that Gareth, Daniel and Jonathan are all tenors. Daniel was in the Joseph tv show, and despite being very good, he wasn't right for the part, so I'm sure he's happy to let Gareth sing those songs! I've not heard Jonathan sing for ages, but I know he's doing musical theatre stuff, so I don't think he'll be doing operatic stuff. The closest they might get is a segment from Les Miserables. I'm sure I read that Jonathan wanted to be in the show, but I could be making it up. Maybe it was just his fans lobbying for it! :lol: Daniel and Jonathan can do Valjean and Javert if they wish. :P:blush::D

  6. Thanks for that Sophie. I quite like Daniel, so look forward to seeing him again. I had hoped that the extra people to be announced would have been another man and another woman, to make it easier for them to sing group pieces together, but there are plenty of pieces that are focused on the male voice, and they can sing some pieces on their own.

    So long as there is plenty of time for Gareth to sing! :thumbsup:

    My only concern is that Daniel sometimes sings the same songs as Gareth at theatre type concerts. He has sung songs from Miss Saigon and included his version of Glass Slippers on his album. Normally I'd be delighted to hear him sing them, but he'd better not be singing them in Wimbledon, or I'll be gutted. It is possible Daniel's fans will feel the same (in reverse).

  7. No problem. I'm not sure if listening figures go back to the radio stations, but if they do - then it looks good when anything Gareth appears in has a healthy number of plays. I'm sure a radio station like BBC Leeds would be delighted to have Gareth on any time, so it is probably more important that fans watch official clips of the BBC News interview. They didn't originally clip it - and it is unusual for them to add clips a whole day later, so I think that's down to those who asked for it. If it gets enough views, they'll know to do it straight away next time!

    The same applies to the Graham Norton show on iPlayer and also the podcast. You can see the relative popularity of recent podcasts on iTunes. http://itunes.apple....ton/id465074853

    Someone isn't doing their job properly if they don't check these things. And listening to the radio, it's obvious that individual DJs place a lot of importance in how often their podcasts are downloaded.

  8. I've just managed to listen to this and can see why everyone loved it so much. The whole thing felt very natural, and it felt like they could have kept talking for much longer, which is the sign of a great interview and great interviewer.

    It's an understatement to say that Liz loves Gareth. She couldn't have gushed more about how good Gareth was in Les Miserables! :lol: Nothing we haven't all been saying, but it's good to have it said so publicly by someone in her position. I'm sure her listeners respect her opinion, and this sort of interview will have got Gareth heard by a lot of the people who wouldn't read the showbiz sections of newspaper or magazines, so might have had no idea what Gareth has been doing.

    I have clipped the interview, so it is safe and can be made available after it's no longer on the iPlayer. But for now, I encourage people to listen to it on http://www.bbc.co.uk/i/p00rk63q/ - you can even make it one of your "favourites". :D

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