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Everything posted by dorral

  1. Manchester Evening News Review of Les Mis at the Lowry. http://www.citylife.co.uk/theatre_dance/reviews/18557_review__les_miserables___the_lowry
  2. Owain Williams website www.owain-williams.co.uk that he will be performing as Marius next week (19th August) at the Lowry, Salford.1
  3. http://www.thelowry.com/about-the-lowry/ For anyone going it is accross from a huge retail outlet shopping complex, named "The Lowry",with cinemas and plenty of eating places.The canalside area around has lots of watersports,it is lovely for sitting, eating and walking.
  4. Thanks Val,can't believe they recorded it at the beginning of the Tour, then waited until the end to release it.
  5. Here's the picture Snowdrop that's in the Sunday Express,the write up is more or less the same as online,a couple of different pics of Holly and Kelly, then this one of Gareth.Like the way it refers to Gareth as a high profile guest.
  6. I was sat between friends and family of the students,they were discussing whether the show was being recorded,they said they hoped it was, as they usually record so the students can see and parents can buy. Here are some of the comments they made about Gareth. Gareth's voice had changed and the control he had was unbelievable. Just have to look at him to see that he is a star,his charisma and presence on stage just oozes out of him. The students don't realise how lucky they are to be on that stage with Gareth.( this was after "Why God Why") When the quintet were singing the song from Westside story one said, you can tell whose the star there,look how he's dressed, look at his shoes, the others look scruffy next to him. In the foyer one lady said to her husband.
  7. Thankyou for the reports everyone,Katie it was a pleasureto travel and spend time with you.(Are we going to see your prized picture)? Had a wonderful night last night,it was lovely to meet so many fans from the boards. Gareth was fantastic,his voice now, is so strong and just amazing. Here are some pics of Gareth at the stage door. Gareth mentioned that Suzanne wasn't there celebrating their wedding anniversary as she was in Spain.
  8. Gareth just tweeted that he has opened his twitter chatroom?
  9. That's lovely Sophie,I bet Gareth's tweet has made your 18th birthday extra special. Happy Birthday.
  10. Cropped picture of Gareth taken with someone in Paris.
  11. I had difficulty downloading the file,I had to download a programme that windows found for me,it's playing through I-tunes now. Lovely to see Gareth singing,suprised at how different it sounded on the radio this morning.
  12. Thanks Val,it is taking ages to download.
  13. That was lovely,Gareth was fantastic as was Rosalind and JOJ,well done to them all.
  14. Khelda it was JOJ who was talking,not Gareth.
  15. This is the first song being sung by Rosalind,they have had french group singing a song,they introduced Rosalind, Gareth and John at the beginning,Gareth said "Bonjour". Later when asked a question he was unable to answer with his speech,in the end he just said "wonderful".
  16. I have the french news channel on now 513 thanks to Susan on the OS "Paris talk" is on at 6-6-30pm our time.
  17. Gareth "bestest" has just twittered
  18. Just got home in time to hear JOJ sing and then Gareth sing Empty Chairs. After reading through your posts it sounds like it was a great show,can't wait for the "Listen Again" to go up. Edit Thanks Snowdrop for the link,off to have a listen.
  19. Does Radio 2 have a listen Again?, I'm unable to listen live as I am out on a pre-arranged outing with the grandchildren.
  20. Thanks Val that's a lovely way to spend an afternoon for Gareth and his family.JOJ twittered that he was on the way to zoo to see Penguin Parade,wonder if he gone with Gareth,Suzanne and Missy.?
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