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Everything posted by dorral

  1. I read Khelda that the celebrity and pro pairings for DOI, would be announced on monday 7th January.
  2. I really hope they have a preview programme so that people can get to see the skaters before any knockouts.It's the same with SCD they train for months then on the first show when everyone is nervous the 1st pair are eliminated(usually the least well known) In these shows where celebrities are learning a new skill,I'd like to see a couple of programmes before the main show, I can then get to know the couples and decide who I want to support.Although with this series of DOI I know who I will be supporting before it even begins.
  3. Gareth's Music was his release when he couldn't speak,now that he can I think he finds much more satisfaction in helping other stammerers, acheive the happiness and control of their lives that he obviously has. Let's hope 19, find a way of combining music and the McGuire programme,as I'm sure Gareth won't be giving up his work with the McGuire. Dorisx
  4. Thanks Snowdrop, I loved Gareth singing Summer of 69 it was brilliant. :frantics:
  5. They had 3 people, taking turns signing to the songs and speeches all afternoon,they did a brilliant job.
  6. Thanks for the reports everyone,I agree Gareth was fantastic,he gave his best performance ever,the crowd loved him. :heart: :hyper: Let's hope we have a few more live gigs soon,people need to see and hear more of Gareth performing like this. :hyper:
  7. My Sister has just phoned me from Blackpool, where she's staying for a few days,to ask if I knew that Gareth was performing at the switch on next week,she has seen the advert for him in so many places today. :hyper:
  8. I usually go every year,this year I will have to go and see Gareth at the switch on, even though it's always heaving with thousands of people. Blackpool switch on is televised live in the north west news programme between 6-30 to 7pm,interviews with the stars performing before the actual lights switch on.
  9. Thanks for posting,love the video,Gareth is so funny :laugh:
  10. Thanks Khelda enjoyed reading your report about Bristol,esp the bit where his Pa said he was doing fantastic.Pleased Gareth had lots of people there to see him. Dorisx
  11. Thanks to Maggie and Snowdrop,I can breath a sigh of relief,been thinking about him all afternoon,so glad he was well received. :laugh:
  12. Well Done Gareth that was wonderful, so funny, loved it.
  13. After the DJ had played Changes today, he said that Gareth would have to be on the show as he had to pay his dues,they were going to help make him a superstar again. They love Changes,always tell people beforehand to listen without predjudice. Dorisx
  14. I don't like this article at all I'm sick of reading the same thing ,who do these journalists think they are ,I can't believe they are still critisizing him for something that happened 5 years ago when he was 17.If the gender roll was reversed here it would be a completely different story. In most of the articles printed this last few days we are having to find the positive bits amongst all the regurgitated rubbish,that the press are obsessed with. They all know he was used and dictated to by SC, I hope when promotion gets started properly they let the past drop and let Gareth get on with his future. It seems to me you have to be an openly foul mouthed,druggie,to get the press on your side these days. Dorisxx
  15. Khelda today is Tuesday?? is it me that's mixed up or is Gareth somewhere tonight ?? Dorisxx
  16. Thanks Khelda,I'm sure Gareth will be fantastic whatever instument he plays. Love him playing the keyboard/piano,can't wait for promotion to begin. :frantics: Dorisxx
  17. Khelda, did Gareth play any insruments at his gig? Gareth should take this opportunity to showcase , his instrumental skills along with the matured beautiful singing and writing . VN said she was interested to learn more about him and his guitar. Dorisx
  18. I'm so happy that Gareth is to showcase his own music to the press,it's no more than he deserves. Good Luck Gareth :hyper: ,I hope they :heart: your music. Dorisxx
  19. I love the song, but really wish he had chosen something a little more upbeat or a mix of both,I hope I'm wrong. The people who went to the gig will have a better idea as to whether Gareth has chosen the right song for his return. Dorisxx
  20. Thankyou so much Walkatir as Snowdrop said you are a star,I loved them all.
  21. I love 19 as well, I have been humming it all christmas,can't wait to hear the whole song. Dorisx
  22. I have made myself a picture thanks to moliudaima,it looks very nice on the wall in the computer room. Dorisxx
  23. Thanks Val,it's much easier with all the pictures together,I haven't seen half of them. Gareth looks gorgeous, although to the unshaven look . :no:
  24. Thankyou Moliudaima for a wonderful report,it's an emotional read that leaves you in no doubt that Gareth is one very special young man. It was nice to know that Simon Fuller was there at the Gig to see Gareth sing and play the music he has been able write and record with his support. Dorisxx
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