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Everything posted by jenjo

  1. There is a report on Galway course on the McGuire website - not Gareth's personal report but a report by the Regional director - Joe O'Donnell. Sounds like it was a great success and Gareth excelled! Edits to add link: Direct link
  2. Thanks for all the great reports and pictures. It helps make up for not being there.
  3. Yes, can't wait for some more detailed reports. Shall keep checking in to see what gets added... :frantics:
  4. Lovely report, thank you and thanks for all the great reports everybody. It was great to see how many people went yesterday and supported him.
  5. Thank you for all your great reports. I have just come back from seeing Smokey Robinson at the Bridgewater Hall in Manchester. It was a fantastic evening but I couldn't help thinking how much I would love to see Gareth at such a venue in the future.
  6. Went to the Trafford centre today. Gareth's singing was perfect, even though he said his throat was sore. Just read his blog where he said he'd been drinking honey and lemon - but he forgot to add that he'd been having whisky too - that's what he said today.He also said the album was doing quite well and seemed pleased. I had my album signed and met Gareth for the first time. We were next to the last and it was about an hour after he started signing so that would be quite a lot of albums sold today. He was lovely and kept smiling to the end though I'm sure he must be feeling exhausted as he's not well.
  7. Thank you for the report and the fab clip. It's wonderful to read all these reports
  8. Thank you for your great report. So glad everything went well for Gareth. Did he seem to be enjoying it all?
  9. Just come in after a family 'do'. Thanks for the report - I'll check out the performance on You Tube. Watched the video - great, thank you
  10. I thought Gareth was fantastic. He should be very proud.
  11. Just got in and am really excited by the news. Can't wait to hear it. I live in the Manchester area but I'm in work between 1 and 4 so didn't hear it.
  12. That's exactly what was happening to me until today - just adverts and then it jumped to Dannielle's night out! However, it worked OK today.
  13. Oops, just seen you can get access through the News section so ignore me! Thank you everyone for all the links.
  14. Hi, to anyone else (like me) who couldn't see the sun video of Gareth leavind the showcase - it is working OK this morning.
  15. There's a lovely bit on sky news online. There's a picture of Gareth leaving last night and it says it seemed to go well. There is a link to 14 other pictures of Gareth from earlier times. Can someone bring it over?'Fraid I don't know how.
  16. I have got butterflies for him - I feel nervous - I can't imagine how Gareth must feel!
  17. I noticed that Judie is beginning her tour today and she has said that she will be having people she has worked with over the last couple of years performing with her at her concerts. Do you think...maybe...well you never know?
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