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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. I'm not sure if these have been posted or not. Scroll down the page a little http://www.realmanchester.com/storyphotos/3174
  2. That's great news. Thanks Hazzy. Looking forward to that :hyper:
  3. Thanks Maria. They're great pictures. Sorry I couldn't do it for you. I don't know what I was doing wrong
  4. Thanks again Snowdrop. Another great video. That crowd really did love him didn't they
  5. Watched it from the direct link. Thanks Snowdrop. Just fantastic again. Brilliant performance
  6. Still can't watch Living On A Prayer. Will try again tomorrow Has anyone else been able to watch it
  7. What great pictures Carol. Very clear and close-up. Thanks for posting them for us
  8. That was just fantastic Snowdrop. Thank you so much for putting that up. Truly amazing. Just loved it :hyper: :frantics: :heart: I just don't know anyone else who is as versatile a singer as Gareth is. He can sing just about anything :heart:
  9. Your pictures are great June. Is it my imagination or has Gareth put on a little bit of weight. All for the good too. He looks fantastic. Thanks for posting your report and pictures :smile:
  10. Thanks for your great report Maggie. I love these bits particularly. Its difficult to understand, when he's received so well everywhere he goes, that he didn't have more success with this album. I wish I could have been there too. Its sounds like this was one of Gareth's best performances ever. And I'm gutted now. I had the opportunity to go to Blackpool on Friday and had to turn it down, because I have an appointment at the hospital on Saturday morning and won't be able to get back in time :sad: Just my rotten luck unfortunately. I really hope we do all get the chance to see him on a tour soon :heart:
  11. I've been looking forward to your report and the gems you usually bring back :hyper: Sounds like a good day was had by all
  12. An article in the Blackpool Citizen. Looks like the Ghosts have pulled out and McFly are replacing them. http://www.blackpoolcitizen.co.uk:80/news/...p_blackpool.php
  13. I'd love to be able to go, but will probably have to make do with watching it if someone is able to upload it. Hope those who are able to go, have a fantastic time :smile:
  14. That's fantastic Floz, if its correct Wonder why they don't tell us these things before we have to find out elsewhere :frantics:
  15. It makes perfect sense Sentimental. My take on it is this. The way things have been with Gareth's comeback videos on the Music Channels, it doesn't seem the people in control of the channel are prepared to include him on the playlist. So to me this including AOMS in charts such as this is the only way the lesser people are able to play him. At least this way they are getting him played, even if it is only once or twice. This is not somethng new with Smash Hits. For the last two years, they've only been able to play any Gareth track if they've been included in these special feature programs, eg: worse No1, worse comebacks, reality TV real winners, and so on. It is a total injustice that the tracks are not being played more often and included on playlists, but it does seem to me that at least they are trying to play the songs when they can. Its the people in authority, or whoever they get their instructions from who are to blame. There is no question in my mind that someone doesn't want Gareth to succeed.
  16. Thanks Footygirl. That's brilliant. I hope if Gareth does a tour that he comes back to Bristol after all the wonderful support he got there. Off to have a look on the site
  17. Thanks for your pictures Mums The Word. Nice to see some taken from the other side of the store :smile:
  18. Not at all surprised at that Khelda. I thought it was at least that amount. It was a brilliant crowd for him and they all seemed to enjoy it too. I reckon at least three quarters of them stayed for the signings
  19. What a fantastic report Carol. It was a great day and it was good to see you again :smile: I totally agree with you about the the tour and Gareth keeping up the mementum.
  20. Thanks for showing us your pics and video Star02. How lucky you happened to be shopping just at the right time
  21. That picture doesn't reflect how many people there were there. I can see myself on the side of the picture and there were almost as many the right hand side of me as there were on the left. I'd love to know how many there actually were there.
  22. Thanks for putting up the pictures footygirl. I'd also like to thank you and all the staff at Asda today, for giving us such a brilliant day. Your organisation was spot on and you couldn't have done it better. Look forward to seeing more pics if you can manage it. Oh yes, and we saw you getting your pic taken and your kiss from the restaurant. My were we envious of you all having him all to yourself :laugh: He is one special person isn't he :heart:
  23. I'm afraid I haven't managed to get past that line yet Maggie. The only progression I've made is that I can now say I love `Afterglow' as much as I love all the rest of the tracks. This is one special album :heart:
  24. Can't really add anything to what Khelda has said. She's related it brilliantly. All I can add is that I've had the most wonderful day. I didn't think anything would equal going to Hyde Park last week, but this topped it as I actually got to meet Gareth finally :heart: He is just so beautiful and so lovely words can't really describe how I feel at the moment. It was also lovely to meet so many people from the boards, but it was also great to see so many other people there appreciating Gareth the way we all do. He had the most tremendous reception. I'm a very happy bunny this evening
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