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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. I doubt she's believe anyone Chris. She'd just think it was someone being jealous because Gareth was talking to her.
  2. I reported him yesterday and again today, but Twitter doesn't appear to have done anything. Feel so sorry for the girl as she's obviously got problems and has been taken in by him. She really thinks she's talking to Gareth. Such a shame.
  3. I think she does have learning difficulties and she has definitely met Gareth and been up on stage with him at one of his gigs, so, certainly not the same person.
  4. Thank you for posting up that lovely interview Elaine. I'd love to see Gareth on Strictly some time in the future. Thanks for turning it up the right way Maria.
  5. I saw that Heather, but I can't see any way in which you can report him. Did think of telling Jenny he was a fake,but thought it may make him worse. Not sure what we can do about it.
  6. Nichola was the blonde one. Don't know anything about Kate.
  7. Kate Smiddy is to replace Nichola Logan in this years shows. This has been posted on Facebook
  8. https://www.facebook.com/GarethGates/videos/10153975554430871/
  9. https://www.facebook.com/GarethGates/videos/10153968842575871/
  10. Nice review from Manchester Evening News. They can't heap enough praise on Gareth in this tour can they. http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/whats-on/theatre-news/review-footloose--palace-theatre-11042127 Lovable country bumpkin Willard is played by Gareth Gates. The runner up of 2001's Pop Idol, X Factor 's predecessor, has said he's not a natural dancer, but he does a pretty faultless job. His entire performance is cheered loudly and repeatedly by the crowd and deservedly so. Not only can he sing but he has a great comic talent too. Who knew? Gareth Gates in FootlooseIn fact I discovered a lot I didn't know about Gareth tonight, including what he looks like in a pair of gold embellished hotpants.
  11. Wendy has posted up these two lovely pictures on Facebook. One is of Gareth at 12 weeks (with the dimples) and the other of Charlotte's, Mylo. Beautiful bonny babies both of them.
  12. https://www.facebook.com/GarethGates/videos/10153952605400871/
  13. Now have put Gareth's interview on-line now so you can read it here Chris http://www.celebsnow.co.uk/celebrity-news/gareth-gates-on-daughter-missy-shes-my-little-princess-338983
  14. I think these vlogs are a really good way for Gareth to speak to us all. Gives him practice without any pressure as he can always do them again if he's not happy with the first one.
  15. Gareth does the school run. https://www.facebook.com/GarethGates/videos/10153937508815871/
  16. Pulse have put the interview up for anyone who missed it like me. http://www.pulse2.co.uk/on-air/blogs/chris-johnson-229322/entry/186/
  17. Slept in and missed this so nice to know what Gareth had to say about Dixon's. Thanks Heather.
  18. Val4Gareth

    Gareth's Vlogs

    https://www.facebook.com/GarethGates/videos/10153907603930871/ https://www.facebook.com/GarethGates/videos/10153907608095871/ https://www.facebook.com/GarethGates/videos/10153919576005871/ https://www.facebook.com/GarethGates/videos/10153934296225871/ https://www.facebook.com/GarethGates/videos/10153936223780871/
  19. Another review from The Sprout in Cardiff http://www.thesprout.co.uk/en/news/review-footl-new-theatre/19696.html
  20. Lots of info on the launch of this product on Gareth's OS. It appears to be a joint venture with Karen Courtney (Ludmer) Not surprised after reading the benefits of the coconut products. http://www.garethgates.com/2016/03/cuppanut-gareth-gates-the-man-behind-3-delicious-new-coconut-infusions/ Cuppanut – Gareth Gates the man behind 3 delicious new coconut infusions PRODUCT LAUNCH – NEC Food and Drink Expo Hall 6, stand F151 Recently considered to be the new superfood, Coconut is storming the shelves in just about every food and drink establishment on the planet! Coconut water, coconut oil, coconut everything! Well, everything apart from a hot Coconut beverage… Introducing ‘Cuppanut‘ – bio degradable tea bags filled with real coconut and mixed with a variety of 3 different flavours; Coconut, Coconut and Cranberry, Coconut Ginger and Turmeric. Created and founded by pop star Gareth Gates, Cuppanut is set to hit the shelves this Spring. Gareth’s vision was to create a ‘Coconut Tea’ without the Tea! No caffeine, no nasty hidden ingredients, just pure, raw goodness in a warm cup. Gareth says ‘I am thrilled to announce the launch of a range of teas filled with health bursting properties with real coconut as its main ingredient. Spurred on by my love of coconut and my continuing desire for a healthy lifestyle I often experimented in my kitchen for fun never thinking that one day my teas could become a reality ’ THE 3 TEAS COCONUT INFUSION: A fragrant naturally sweet coconut infusion makes for a tranquil cup of hot tea. Full of goodness and anti inflammatory properties. COCONUT AND CRANBERRY INFUSION: A delicious fruity infusion bursting with coconut and cranberries, containing powerful antioxidants and many health boosting properties. COCONUT, GINGER AND TURMERIC INFUSION: Ginger and Turmeric work in perfect harmony to produce an earthy uplifting and warmed spiced tea that has anti inflammatory and pain relieving properties. As the main ingredient is pure coconut, the Cuppanut team are proud to promote the health benefits that come with consuming coconut: COCONUT: Health benefits of Coconut are written about in the worldwide press on a daily basis. Such stories cover its use in treating Type 2 Diabetes, its rehydration properties due to its electrolyte balance, a treatment for acute diarrhoea in the developing world, an anti viral, anti fungus and anti bacterial treatment, its obesity prevention properties that speed up metabolism, and, how it improves heart health by providing healthy short chain and medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) that are essential to good health. CRANBERRIES: Cranberries are ranked as one of the world’s healthiest super foods due to their nutrient and antioxidant content. Written medical benefits have shown some of its best known properties are in its role in preventing UTIs specifically for those with recurrent infections. Other press articles cover its anti inflammatory, cardiovascular health, anti cancer and prevention of kidney stones effects. TURMERIC: Turmeric has many proven health benefits. One of its best known properties is its natural anti inflammatory compound matching the effectiveness of some anti inflammatory drugs. It is known to increase the anti oxidant capacity in the body and neutralise free radicals and also lower the risk of heart disease. Papers have been written about its anti cancer link and in preventing and treating Alzheimer’s disease, depression and Arthritis. GINGER: Ginger has a long written history of use for relieving nausea, motion sickness and pain. In addition a recent study found ginger root reduced inflammation on markers in the colon within a month and could help with the pain of osteoarthritis. A relatively new area of research has shown it also dramatically lowered fasting blood sugar by 12% in people with Type 2 Diabetes. Cuppanut will be launching its new range of teas in Hall 6 on stand F151 at the NEC Food and Drink Expo 18 – 20 April 2016 where all three tea flavours can be tried on the stand. Gareth will be on the stand on the 18 and 19 April to launch the new tea with the Press launch taking place at 1pm on the 18th April. RRP £4.20 per box of 15 tea bags. For more information email us at info@cuppanut.com Or telephone Karen Ludmer 07956 301701
  21. Another good review especially for Gareth, but the reviewer thinks they didn't make the most of Gareth's talents. http://www.walesonline.co.uk/whats-on/theatre-news/footloose-fun-romp-loyal-fans-10976758 Footloose is a fun romp for loyal fans but failed to make the most of star Gareth Gates Gareth Gates in the new production of Footloose: The Musical OK, cards on the table from the start, I have never seen the much-loved film this serviceable musical is culled from. Goodness knows what I was up to in the 1980s, waiting for The Smiths to release a new album most likely, but I somehow resisted the charms of Kevin Bacon leaping about to the Kenny Loggins title track. You know it, right? You will do after this anyway, with us treated to what seems like five different versions of it at the start, in the middle and in a finale that brought a clearly smitten audience to its feet. Related : Gareth Gates plays it for laughs in Footloose The story, what there is of it, is simple. Chicago Ren McCormack, a lad from the wrong sides of the tracks in Chicago (although is there any other side of the tracks to come from?) moves with his mum to the Hicksville town of Bomont, a place entrenched in the American bible-belt and presided over by local preacher, the Reverend Shaw Moore, a role skilfully pitched by Nigel Lister, arguably the best actor in the whole thing. In Bomont, dancing is banned, which to be honest, if you’ve ever seen me dance, seems like a good thing, but is a bad thing in this context as, hey, the kids want to have a good time, they want to have a party! The first thing to say is that the show starts interminably slowly, taking an age for everyone to warm up. It perhaps never really gets going until the ‘big name’ of the evening, Pop Idol veteran Gareth Gates, enters the fray as the bumbling, but kind-hearted Willard. Gareth Gates as Willard Gates is without doubt the best singer on stage, I mean, you don’t get to almost win one of the biggest singing competitions in history without being able to hold a tune, so why he seems to have only one solo number all night remains a mystery. As for the other leads, well, Luke Baker as the maverick Ren, is an attractive figure, but the voice and, funnily enough, the dancing barely rises above passable. The same goes for Reverend Moore’s daughter Ariel played by Hannah Price, a character not named after Shakespeare’s freedom-seeking spirit from The Tempest by accident. Maureen Nolan, of Nolan Sisters’ fame, is fine as the repressed Vi Moore and school principal Clark. Indeed the entire cast is fully committed, eventually, as they take us through the likes of ‘Holding Out For A Hero’ and ‘Let’s Hear It For The Boy’ and one can only marvel that they play their own instruments on stage.
  22. The website had been updated to include all this years venues. http://michaelcourtney.co.uk/shows/mad-about-the-musicals
  23. Another great review http://www.walesonline.co.uk/whats-on/music-nightlife-news/gareth-gates-plays-laughs-brings-10943819 Gareth Gates plays it for laughs as he brings Footloose to Cardiff 10:00, 27 FEB 2016 BY MILLIE THWAITES Playing new roles and battling a speech impediment have proved challenging for the former Pop Idol star Challenges are not something Gareth Gates shies away from, whether it’s playing a new role or conquering the battles he’s faced with his speech since he was young. After finding success on the inaugural series of Pop Idol in 2001, releasing three albums and achieving four UK number one singles, Gates forayed into theatre where he’s made a name for himself in productions such as Legally Blonde, Les Misérables and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. He’s now wearing a slightly different theatrical hat, playing the more jocular role of Willard in the stage production of Footloose. “Willard is the comedic role in the show and that’s a part I’ve never played so it’s been a challenge, but an exciting one” he says. “The show is very light and uplifting and I’m loving having fun with the role and getting a laugh.” Gareth was adamant he wanted to be involved with the show, having loved the film as a young boy and admitting he’s a ‘sucker for 80s music’, so when the producers asked him to get on board, saying no was never an option. However, his exact involvement was ‘up in the air’ at first, and Gareth was initially considered for the lead, Ren MacCormack. “I’m not the greatest of dancers, and to play Ren, you really have to be an amazing dancer,” the 31-year-old said. “So after looking at the script and seeing Willard was a comedic character, I thought it’d be great to do something I’d never done before.” Gareth is almost one month into a three-month stint in Footloose, and so far the show has been extremely rewarding for the musician, who said competing in Dancing on Ice helped tremendously. “It’s been great, the audiences have been packed and they’ve responded really well,” he said. The show, which features all the famous hits including the title track and other favourites such as Let’s Hear It For The Boy and Holding Out for a Hero, is touring the UK until August with Gates as Willard until April 16 then returning to the show from June 20. “At the end of the show there’s a mega mix of all the songs, and everyone’s usually on their feet. “I think the live aspect of things is the reason I’ve done so much theatre over the years, getting that response from people then and there, night after night, is amazing.” Being away from his daughterBut despite the evident rush of doing live shows and his love of performing, he admitted it’s difficult being away from home, and more importantly, away from his six-year-old daughter Missy. Constantly being on the road has taken some getting used to and Gates’ other major battle, one that he’s been fighting his whole life, is his struggle with speech. To see him on stage or hear him sing as fluently and eloquently as he does, you would never guess the extent of this struggle, but it’s something the musician refers to as an ‘ongoing battle.’ “I have good days and bad days,” he said. “But for me, being on stage is a lot easier.” His difficulties with speech seem to fade away“I’ve always had good experiences with singing so I haven’t got any sort of negative association between that and having a speech impediment. I think it’s why I love it so much,” he said. “As a child, I wasn’t able to get any words out, it was very hard and I really think that’s why my love for music has blossomed.” “For me, it’s a form of expression and release.” It’s clear that no personal or professional challenge is getting in Gates’ way, and with the hope of a new album out in the next year or two and various musical projects in the pipeline, he’s only raising his own bar higher and higher. Footloose is at the New Theatre, Cardiff, from Monday, February 29 until Saturday, March 5. Call 029 2087 8889
  24. Two gigs have been announced for the Summer on Gareth's Facebook page. One of them is right down here where i live. Thank you Gareth. Even better my brother owns a property on the site so no worries about getting in.. Hi Guys Here is a couple of gigs 20 August - Ladram Bay Holiday Park,Otterton, Devon, EX9 7BX 45 minute Acoustic set and meet and greet. 3 September – Melton Theatre Leicester, 60 minute acoustic set. **will very likely be meet and greet if venue allowing. Gareth HQ x
  25. Because your health stops you from doing things doesn't make you a lesser fan SarahJane. I'm booked to go to Cardiff next week, but I'm not sure I'm going to make it now as not been feeling well all this week. We just have to accept it and listen to our bodies.
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