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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Two beautiful recordings from Lorna. Hold On Tight and the medley Gareth is singing on his tour.
  2. Was lovely to see this again, but its a pity the recording was such bad quality. Thought I'd add this in here too. Its Gareth singing a medley in Seoul whilst playing the keyboards http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2y6jal
  3. Gareth has announced on his Website that due to his vocal treatment all gigs, with he exception of the remaining Haven tour, in July and August have had to be cancelled. http://www.garethgates.com/2015/07/cancellation-of-dates/ July 2, 2015 - Cancellation of Dates At the end of July Gareth is having a steroid injection to strengthen his vocal cords, this is followed by weeks of physio. As a result he will have to cancel his date on July 31st as well as all of his dates in August. Gareth has put in a lot of work in the past 6 months and is recovering well, but needs help to get back to being 100%. It’s a decision he’s taken very seriously but something he feels he needs to do to be able to get back on top and fulfil the next busy 12 months! Hopefully after this treatment we will have Gareth back with us in full fitness. Good Luck Gareth.
  4. until
    Gareth is appearing in Cinderella as Prince Charming (what else) at The Lyceum Theatre, Crewe froo 12th December through to 3rd January with the exception of Friday's Book tickets on this link https://crewelyceum.co.uk/online/crewe-pantomime
  5. Sorry I didn't thank you at the same time as Chris, Linda. I hadn't realized there was a card inside the tube until she told me. It was still stuck inside. I was just going by her name on the outside of the tube. Gareth is a real sweetheart!
  6. Thank you for posting up your lovely report SarahJane. It was very interesting to read as always. Thanks also for sharing your pictures with us. They are lovely. Especially the second one. Glad your taxi didn't keep you waiting too long. I'd have found it a bit scary too I think.
  7. I thought it might be, so thanks to you too Linda. xx
  8. Chris thank you for the poster Gareth signed for me. The message he wrote me has really cheered me up. He's such a special person.
  9. I wouldn't be surprised if that was at Gareth's request at the moment. The thing is when a recording is made its put on YouTube and its there for everyone to watch and listen too. Gareth knows his voice isn't up to its usual high standard and he'd probably not want recordings taken and posted for posterity. We all enjoy listening to him no matter what, but Gareth is a perfectionist and I'm sure wants only emaculate recordings posted on YouTube. Its today isn't it Chris. Thanks for jogging my memory Linda. Hope you having a lovely Birthday and being spoiled. xx
  10. Me neither Val. Just something about him I can't take to.
  11. Thanks for that great report Linda. Well done you and your Daughter remembering all/most of the set list. What a great evening it was. Would love to have heard Gareth singing while playing that piano. Wish he would do it all the time.
  12. Thanks for telling us about your evening Chris. Sounds like it was a fabulous night. That's what I've been saying for quite a while Khelda. Not only is it easier on his voice, but he is so much more suited to ballads imo.
  13. Lisa has sent me some lovely ictures she tool at last nights Haven gig
  14. Two videos from Sharon from Saturday at Littlesea. One of which I don't think we've heard before. Here I Go Again. And Livin On A Prayer which Gareth specially sang for Sharon
  15. Another nice article re Burnham http://m.thisisthewestcountry.co.uk/news/12960860.Look_who__popped__up_at_Burnham_s_Haven_holiday_park__Idol_s_Gareth_Gates/
  16. Glad you had a good time Yvonne but pity you weren't feeling well enough to meet him. Understand you wouldn't want to pass on anything to him though. Love watching Sharon's videos
  17. Standing room only to watch Gareth at Burnham http://www.burnham-on-sea.com/news/2015/gareth-gates-18-05-15.php
  18. Another great video from Sharon. This time from Burnham on Sea. Wake Me Up
  19. It definitely is Linda. I listen and imagine Gareth is singing to me, (I wish)
  20. Sharon has posted a video from last night on Twitter. Lovely glimpse of Missy enjoying herself.
  21. I think he probably did mean to tweet that Elaine. That's Gareth sense of humour.
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