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Posts posted by ValR

  1. It's a really interesting article and good to read that Gareth has invested in property so much. Shame that he lost money through a dishonest trader, an expensive lesson but one that he has learned from and now trades himself. He's obviously always had the work ethic and been careful with his money, ๐Ÿ‘

  2. Listening to Tony Blackburn on Radio 2 and he played 'Sunshine', so good to hear it as I always thought it should have been a bigger hit than it was.! I'm in Cumbria and it has been sunshine for the last few days so very appropriate! ๐Ÿ‘โ˜€๏ธ

  3. It is. We can be outside with 6 people but inside with 3 from 2 different households or up to 6 from one household. Not private houses or gardens, just public places. Where I live the pubs and restaurants won't take bookingsย  unless it's as I said.ย 

  4. I was surprisedย  when I was watching that no one was wearing a mask even if they didn't have to. There were only 300 allowed in so definitely socially distanced and they are fortunate in snooker that the events are all sponsored so not dependant on making money. I can't imagine many theatres would be able to make a show financially viable with such a small audience.ย 

  5. Maybe this year Gareth will be able to have a proper Christmas with friends and family but it must be such a worry for anyone involved who won't have any income at all for the foreseeable future. Gareth has earned a lot of money over the years but a lot actors and theatre people will be really struggling. ๐Ÿ˜ข

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