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Posts posted by ValR

  1. Let's hope so too Eternal- I can't understand why they are not allowed to open now, especially as B and Q are. We have lots of small nurseries round here ad it would be very easy for them to just allow a couple of people at a time in, maybe have a time limit and obviously social distancing.

  2. I'm so glad we have a small garden as well. My hubby has spent a lot of time in it since he retired, he was a pharmacist and to use his words, 'spent all day in a room 12ft by 12ft, just wants to be outside as much as possible and spent this morning mowing and raking the lawn.Β 

    Thank goodness for this lovely weather, imagine if this had happened a few weeks ago when we had all that rain!Β 

    Take care everyone, we will get through this!Β 


  3. Thanks Doris,

    It is very sad, there are so many places that totally rely on tourism who will have no income for the foreseeable future. I also think of all the people working in the theatre a lot of them not earning much money and they are all out of work until we get back to normal.

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