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Posts posted by ValR

  1. Thanks EternaI was thinking about last week as well, at 5.30pm I said to my husband this time last week we were having a drink inΒ  the bar at the hotel, didn't know then that it would be such an amazing evening! Pete was so lovely, taking time to talk to us when they had all that driving to do and then an early morning flight as well!! πŸ€—

    Thanks for the recordings Maria, much better than mine! πŸ‘

  2. Thanks to you both and Dorral for such a fantastic afternoon, evening and breakfast today. We had an amazing evening, Gareth was perfect and a lovely audience andΒ  venue. I loved every minute of it, even the horrendous weather didn't spoil it for us! Thanks to you all for the very funny stories back in the hotel, haven't laughed so much for a long time! πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

  3. Doris, I can't imagine being delayed for so long and then having such a long flight home, you must have been exhausted!! Thank goodness you had such a good holiday and were able to see Gareth perform. How nice to hear such lovely words from Jason and George Michael is my other favourite singer, I've always thought that Gareth should sing some of the songs! The bride must have a thrilled to have a photo with Gareth, lucky girl. I love the photos of Gareth, he looks so smart in that outfit and thanks so much for your great report.Β 

    Love Val xxxΒ 

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