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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. That was fantastic again. Loved the routine and the outfit. Great lift and he really looked the part. Just one little thing, I didn't like the hair :shocked: but I know it had to be like that for the character.
  2. Thanks Khelda. Nice pictures and lucky Karen indeed :tongue:
  3. Wow! Those are beautiful. So clear Thanks for finding them Heather.
  4. Don't they usually go down slightly after the first couple of weeks and then start picking up again towards the end?
  5. Yes, you did Khelda. All routines Broadway related. Should be a very elegant affair :smile:
  6. Phew! This is getting more and more nerve-wracking. Brilliant he's through again. I felt for Samantha. Really don't think she deserved to go out.
  7. Pleased with that. Just watched it again and felt a bit more relaxed about it this time. Not quite so expressive as last week, but the routine was much harder. Third place again, so that's good. I liked the costumes much better this week Well done Gareth :heart:
  8. First to skate. Not sure I like that. Bit nerve-wracking
  9. Thanks Floz. Like his comments about Gareth. In fact he pretty much sums up exactly what I think about everyone :smile:
  10. Peaked at 7.15pm Gareth skated at 7.23pm I know the theory was that the peak always comes at the end of the show. But it seems a bit of a coincidence that both weeks so far its peaked just before Gareth skated :tongue: :hyper:
  11. Happy Birthday Missali :smile: Gareth has a real good chance of at least getting to the final of this competition. His skating is really good and he moves very quickly and smoothly over the ice. I do think Chris is the best skater at the moment. But I'm not sure that he can improve too much having started from that level, whereas Gareth can. Suzanne does look very elegant and she is also a very good skater. She's the main threat to Gareth I really do believe.
  12. Pleased to see one of the judges (can't remember which) noticing how fast Gareth is over the ice. You could see it last week, even though he did a romantic routine and it was even more obvious tonight. Especially when you compare it with most of the others.
  13. How good was that. Jayne and Chris really loved him. Briulliant performance and they had such fun. Really loved it :hyper: :heart:
  14. This has been reported in the Daily Star so I'm not sure how true it is, but apparently Suzanne has had a nasty accident in the rehearsal yesterday :shocked: http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/view/27104...NE-ON-THIN-ICE/
  15. They obviously couldn't find anything bad to say about the skating so had to look for something else to pick fault with :laugh:
  16. Some weird makeup wasn't it Maggie :smile:
  17. Someone on DS posted the first night viewing figures for all three series of DOI. Last night compares very favourably with the others. Series 3 Performances- 8.9m *peak: 9.9m Results- 7.7m average- 8.3m Series 2 Performances- 8.6m Results- 5.6m average- 7.1m Series 1 Performances- 9.5m *peak 11.1m Results- 6.4m average- 8m
  18. Just came to post that Snowdrop. With an emphasis on this little bit Note the time when the viewing figures peaked. I do believe a certain young man was skating around about that time :hyper:
  19. Thanks Snowdrop. Of the other skaters last night, I felt that Chris and Suzanne were the best skaters, although I couldn't really take to Chris for some reason. I think I felt like that about him when he was in the Singing competition last year as well. Suzanne I thought was lovely. Quite liked Michael's routine even though he made a mistake at the end. I think it was obvious he is quite a good skater and he looks as though he will be quite fun to watch. Of the rest, they all seemed a lot more hesitant, but I suppose its early days yet. Didn't like Greg or Aggie, or Tim Vincent at all.
  20. Thanks for adding your report Eternal. I can quite imagine how you were feeling. I would have been exactly the same and probably will be tonight when watching the show on TV. So, so excited now :hyper: :frantics:
  21. And he's probably right :laugh: That doesn't mean us more mature fans can't vote for him too :hyper: :frantics: :hyper: Only another 8 hours :hyper: :hyper: :frantics: :frantics:
  22. Great report Flufff. Lucky you getting to watch all that. Looking forward even more to Sunday's show now. I'm beginning to believe that Gareth will be OK now after all the nerves about him over the last few weeks.
  23. He sounds adorable :heart: Not sure what you mean Maggie `Gaz got through'. Does that mean they had a vote even for the rehearsal show
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