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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Thanks for your report and your pics Nat. And thanks Vicky for those gorgeous pics. Love seeing pictures of Gareth performing and they are so clear.
  2. Thanks Vicky and Maggie for putting them up. So beautiful. It must have been so hard for him to sing like that with such a bad throat
  3. Thanks for all your reports Maggie, Linda and Jenjo. I really enjoyed reading all of them. The more I hear about Gareth with his fans and the way he is in general, the more I think what a special nature and character he has :heart: He must have been really struggling yesterday. I watched the video's SugarboxGirl put on YouTube and even though Gareth sounded as brilliant as he always does, you could see the pain and difficulty he was going through to give that performance yesterday. I hope his throat recovers so he can continue with the performances at the signings. But even though I'm dying to hear him sing on Saturday, I wouldn't want him to carry on if its going to do any damange to his voice.
  4. Once again, it seems Gareth is getting played more on Radio stations abroad, than he is here. Its just crazy isn't it Time there was a huge shake up on the radio in this country I think
  5. What a lovely picture. Thanks for posting it up. My word, you'd never know Gareth wasn't feeling well would you
  6. Thanks for bringing your report over with all your lovely pics Sara. So glad you had such a brilliant time on Monday :smile:
  7. Thanks for your report Sentimental. I'm so glad you got your picture with Gareth. Will you post it up for us to see :smile: Forgot to say thankyou to Maggie and Snowdrop too. Glad to hear there were so many people there for Gareth. Hope he's feeling better soon :heart:
  8. Thanks Heather. That was a gret read :smile: I think we may have waited even longer somehow :heart:
  9. Sorry folks. I've been trying for two days to decide which are my favourite tracks, but I just cannot pick any of them as better than any other. This album is just so outstanding. Every single track deserves to be acclaimed the best track on there. The whole thing is a masterpiece and I absolutely love it :heart:
  10. Thanks for yourgreat report Heather. Hugs to Gareth with his cold :heart: Well done to all those who braved the weather yesterday and stuck it out, considering Gareth was so late in arriving
  11. Thanks for bringing that over Snowdrop. Wasn't sure whether to or not, seeing as it was a new member. Rather a nice post I thought. Seems Gareth has attracted in a few new fans again today. Lots of new members since the weekend.
  12. You're going to have to change your job to sleuthing Hazzy. You're doing a grand job weeding out these Radio stations, obscure as they are :laugh: Thanks.
  13. No, she was too excited. It was as much as I could do to get the names of the songs out of her :laugh: I'll try ringing her back in a little while. Hopefully she'll have calmed down by then.
  14. I've just had a phone call from Ann Gates in Bradford. She met Gareth at last and had a hug and a picture taken with him. Met his mum as well. She was a bit overcome still and sounded very excited and happy. Gareth sang 4 songs, but she can only remember Angel, Pictures and Lost in You. Hopefully she'll remember the other one by the time she gets back :smile:
  15. Thanks for your report Sentimental Gal. What a fantastic day it was :heart: And thanks for getting me back to the station. Have you dried out yet :laugh:
  16. Can't really add anything more to what's already been said, except that I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it and I still haven't come back down to earth yet. Gareth got a fantastic reception and there were no bad reactions at all as far as I could see. I turned around several times (just managing to drag my eyes away from the stage) and just about everyone was totally engrossed in what they were hearing. Thanks to everyone who have made such detailed reports and to Snowdrop for posting up the video clips. It feels like I'm still there watching him. We're all in for a real treat tomorrow when we get hold of the album
  17. Thanks Janice. So glad he was able to perform live. Must not miss this tomorrow.
  18. He's beginning to sneak onto a few more playlists now. Don't know if the numbering is significant, but if it is, he's above a good few top people. ie. Take That, Enrique, Robin Thicke, and Bon Jovi :smile: Thanks for finding that Hazzy.
  19. So it looks as though Gareth will be on quite late, going by that line-up. May be able to catch The Feeling as well.
  20. Thanks Hazzy. He's made the A-list in Ulster The other one's a bit strange. Its got Siobhan Donaghy on both the A-List and the B-list
  21. That was so good to read Maggie. Brought a lump to my throat :heart: He's such a dear. I so wish I could have been there, rain and all
  22. Wow! What a treat you had there. Just amazingly brilliant
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