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Posts posted by Barbara

  1. I agree with you about that particular song - I think it might be because I Sky+ Loose Women and then watched that song clip back about 25 times!! It's very catchy. I have watched quite a few clips on Youtube and some more of the music is on there and it does tend to grow on you the more you hear it.

    If it did go to the West End it would need to be a stage a bit like the WYP for it to work as well in my opinion.

    After I left the theatre on Saturday night I heard a couple, who I think I have seen at many other shows with Gareth in, asking this guy (presumably part of the cast or production) whether it would be touring. He replied that they are going to be in talks about it going into the West End this next week (meaning this week) so fingers crossed it might just make the West End yet. My husband said again on Saturday night that he would like to see it again if it makes the West End. I am not sure it would be the same though if Gareth wasn't in it, although the rest of the cast were also very good.

  2. Just got back from holiday in time to see Loserville on the last night on Saturday. I have very much enjoyed catching up reading everyone's reviews from the past week or so. It's very interesting to read other people's view of the show which is not always the same as our own.

    We enjoyed the show as much as before, although our seats weren't quite as good as the ones from the first time we saw it in June. I noticed there were a couple of little changes, but nothing major. I had the same feeling when coming out of the theatre as I did last time and felt like I wanted to run down the street singing waving my arms in the air!!

    The audience were brilliant on Saturday and contributed to a great last show. There was a standing ovation at the end and I think some of the cast looked quite emotional too.

    We didn't stay again at the end to see Gareth as we anticipated it was going to busy. I would have liked to have seen Missy and Suzanne though too. Gareth's mum arrived at the theatre at the same time as us, but I didn't recognise any of the people she was with. She was sat a few rows behind us on the opposite side to us.

    I knew Gareth was DJing on Saturday night at a club in Leeds after the show as I had seen it advertised a couple of weeks ago. He is very busy and he must be tired surely.

    I would have loved to have seen in him in Momentous Musicals on Thursday, but being midweek made this awkward for me. I would like to see him in Legally Blonde also, but none of the venues are near where I live near Leeds. I do hope he does well in LB as he is gathering lots more fans with all these roles in musical theatre.

  3. Went to see Loserville on Friday 29th June with my husband. It was absolutely FANTASTIC! I was so impressed with the whole show and the music is fabulous and catchy. I have been humming the tunes all weekend!

    From the outset it is very fast moving and you cannot help but be impressed with the cleverness of the scenery changes which are so slick. The scenery is amusing in itself. There is so much going on all over the stage that I think you could watch it a couple of times and still find something new to notice.

    It is difficult to single out any one performer out of the cast as they are all brilliant and so well rehersed and you can tell they are putting their all into it. However, I am going to say that Gareth stands out as being completely relaxed and natural in the role. He seems to find the whole thing effortless. There are some very funny lines and some which seem a bit lost on the audience, but I was still chuckling about a couple of them an hour or so later.

    The theatre is really nice. Our seats were on row C and right in the middle. I felt I could have reached out and touched the actors! There was a good crowd in although quite a few spare seats at the sides which did surprise me bearing in mind the brilliant reviews it has received so far.

    I have read in one review about it being a show of two halves which I might agree with slightly, but won't say anymore for those who have not yet seen the show.

    My husband came with me on Friday and I was a bit worried that he would hate it all. I could not believe it - at the interval he was raving about it and said it was the best show he has seen in recent times. He was very impressed with Gareth's performance and agreed that he shone and seemed very comfortable in the part. As we were leaving he said he wouldn't mind watching it again! Talk about shocked. I might add that I could hear people talking around me in the interval and everyone was saying exactly the same thing. I think many people have been surprised at this musical and I do hope it makes the West End, although it wouldn't be the same without Gareth as Eddie!

    Unfortunately, we didn't stay to see any of the cast afterwards which would have been nice. I wasn't bothered about a photo, but would have liked to have seen them all though.

    Hope everyone else enjoys this musical as much as we did - even if you're not a fan of this type of thing you have to admire the creativeness from some very talented people.

  4. Really enjoyed your report Snowdrop. Nice and detailed as always.

    I am looking forward to seeing this next week and have been following the cast and their antics on Twitter all week. My tickets are for Friday next week (I had better remember as for some reason I thought I had booked for Saturday!) Judging by the clips on YouTube I have a feeling this isn't going to be my husband's cup of tea, but he is used to "enduring" our trips to see Gareth with patience.

    I do hope the press reviews are favourable next week as it sounds as though they have put so much hard work into trying to get everything right to make it successful. Fingers crossed!

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