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Everything posted by Snowdrop

  1. I downloaded them all from her site today as normal. I don't understand. She's always told me that she's happy for us to encourage people to sign up to and download from her site for the video group so long as we didn't give out direct links.
  2. OK - I'll kick off. I enjoyed watching these files back - they are a funny mix of interview clips from last February when Gaz was in Asia for the MTV Awards, and a showcase he did in South Korea the previous July. The showcase clips are 18 (Sentimental - with Graham), 19 (Yesterday - on piano playing himself), 21 (It Ain't Obvious - with a backing track), and 24 (WMHWTS with Graham). I still feel pangs of jealousy that we never got that sort of promotion in the UK. The audience there are loving it - totally entranced and quite right too! The interviews are more recent, and he's saying a lot of the same stuff as he said in other interviews on that tour that we've seen, but he always manages to say something in a way that brings a smile to my face. I just adore the way he explains Enough of Me, saying there is enough of him to go around - "hence the lyrics". *cheeky grin*
  3. Use this thread to discuss this week's videos - as explained HERE.
  4. Recent additions include Nigeria, Malaysia and finally Indonesia. Welcome all. :D
  5. From around 7pm tonight in Gareth Chat. This week's suggestion is thanks to Maggiemags - from www.sugarboxgirl.co.uk - archive files numbers 16-24. It contains footage from the Korean showcase from July 2003 along with interview footage from February 2004. The showcase bits are fab - but how about we concentrate on the interview bits?
  6. We are so pleased the CDs are proving to be so popular. The postal service will be very busy come February. Just a quick reminder to those who have ordered the CDs, but not yet sent their cheques to please do so soon as it will help to make our administration a lot simpler. At the very least please ensure they will arrive by the end of the month to ensure your CD is sent out in the first batch!
  7. Snowdrop

    photos from

    Wow. That looks like there was a fantastic atmosphere. For some reason I had imagined something more formal. He can come and sizzle in my direction any day.
  8. We've been deprived. But it is a rather fantastic photo and the reports of him playing with the kids make me go all gooey inside.
  9. How lovely. I love to hear every tiny detail. :D
  10. Fab - I did wonder, lol. I was looking it up on the net last week. It looks like an interesting place.
  11. The clothes look like the sort of clothes Kelly might wear and the hair isn't all that different, but the face doesn't look like her. It might be down to the photo being fuzzy distorting her features a little bit, and the angle, and her not wearing make-up etc.
  12. Maybe there was due to be a private party at the Sultan's house (erm, palace) yesterday in addition to the concert at the hotel on New Year's Eve? It may still have happened for all we know. Whatever the case - nice mention and the T&A should sign up. In exchange for news and gossip on Bradford's finest, they can post some of their lovely high resolution photos.
  13. It took me a while to notice too.
  14. You don't need it - that's only because I thought I'd be clever and link to country flags, but now I realise that to see them you'd need to enter the log-in details for the admin section of this place - and I'm not giving that out. So just cancel, and you'll see the list OK.
  15. Possible private concert for Sultan of Brunei - as described by T&A.
  16. Something happening on TOTP online. Read the details here. January 2nd: What's going on with Gareth Gates? Michelle McManus, Liberty X? We track down some great acts that have fallen off the radar to discover what they'll be doing in 2005.
  17. Gareth was due to be performing as part of a concert to celebrate the countdown to the New Year at the Empire hotel and country club, Brunei as detailed below, however this has now been cancelled due to the tragedy in the region. See here "The Atrium countdown this year is unbelievable value at only B$55 per person and includes performances by winner of Best International Artist voted by MTV Asia Awards 2004 – Gareth Gates, flown in all the way from the UK courtesy of Royal Brunei Airlines.." He is expected on stage at 11pm. More here and here.
  18. Hurrah! Brunei Darussalam according to the stats.
  19. First person to guess which country this is wins ... my admiration.
  20. That is fantastic. What a treat for us all. Very Merry Christmas to you all. Have a fantastic day!
  21. That's lovely. Thanks for typing it up - and well done for finding the words to the poem.
  22. We have a new addition from Hungary
  23. I'd like to wish everyone here a very Merry Christmas. I would like to apologise to everyone who sent me a card that didn't get one back - but I've been lazy/rubbish/environmentally friendly this year.
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