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Everything posted by Snowdrop

  1. It is - and a bit of a novelty too. Perhaps they've learnt their lesson from the last time. This should hopefully make up for him having to cancel the concert earlier in the year when there were all the local problems.
  2. Very brill indeed. Thanks for telling us. :D And about the News page being updated. LMAO it's taken until almost midnight for anyone to notice. He's such a superstar, and we know this is a subject he's got to know well. So proud. Just found this on the MTV Indonesia site. http://www.mtvasia.com/News/200411/26011416.html
  3. You have to thank Maggie for that. She's very good. And yes, it is interesting that Tyler was involved with 2 songs in different ways. Presumably they came from the same publishing company and there are groups of people who often work together, but not always in the same way.
  4. Tips for Requesting: Radio Requesting As these are from the Darren Hayes site there are references to him, but you can work it out. Some of these points are really important so please have a read.. it won't take you long. When you make requests make sure you know something about the station you are requesting to so either request to your local stations or stations that you can listen to online. If you do request to a radio station online make sure you do or have actually listened to them.. believe it or not is can be more fun if you know something about the style of the dj you are emailing and can get you a better response. Make sure that you are requesting to an appropriate show.. ie there's no point requesting Savage Garden or Darren Hayes during the 'Garage Hour'. Try to PHONE your local station rather than emailing them all the time, speaking to someone has much more of an impact than an email. When you do email make the email personal.. address the email to the DJ, talk about yourself, talk about something that you heard on the radio station or that happened locally. Don't send emails 'please play darren hayes for me.. thanks' emails like that lack personality or interest and will more than likely just be deleted and ignored. You want the dj to have an email worth reading. Mention peoples names, birthdays, special occasions etc... Make an effort to show you are a listener. Tell them why you are requesting a particular song.. take a little time to compose the email. Don't send out multiple requests to several stations at the same time email only one station in each email that you have written. Don't spam or harras the DJ's.. there is nothing more annoying or boring than having the same email every day all day. It won't work. You are better off just emailing a DJ once a week. Ohh and if you have an email address that is not related to being a Savage Garden or Darren Hayes fan please use these for emailing requests. You can get free email accounts nearly everywhere these days and they take five minutes to set up. (If you would like to know where to get a free email account contact me using the contact form and I will send you some options) When you hear that a new song is being released please try to be patient and remember that it may take some time for all the stations to have have the song. Chances are if no-one has heard it being played then the station may not have it! Because a song has been played in one station doesnt mean that everywhere has it so please be patient. Finally please remember to never mention Street Teams or give the impression that you have some contact with Darren Hayes' Management or Record label because this can do untold harm. Everything you say when you contact dj's or the media is not only a reflection on you but on every other Darren Hayes fan as well as Darren himself.
  5. Hi Aimee, if you go to the Music section this site you'll see a thread with links to clips from the concert. You should definitely download them. If you join sugarboxgirl's site, www.sugarboxgirl.co.uk you'll be able to download video clips Songbirdofgaz took too. Fantastic.
  6. That's what I assume - I think they'll have had a great time.
  7. It definitely didn't sound rude on the radio. More like friendly banter - slightly taking the piss, but not in a bad way. But I do think it was rude of the Gareth fans to be calling for Gareth while Rooster were on. There was no need for that. They'd see his support before and afterwards.
  8. Snowdrop

    Judie Tzuke

    Brilliant I'm so proud.
  9. Very nice. It looks like they were having a lot of fun. What a shame that they didn't explain that Phixx weren't there or why. The person writing the article probably was there, but maybe assumed they'd missed them, and just copied who was there from the list of who was meant to be there. I can understand Rooster being annoyed with fans who were chanting for Gareth during their set. It's pretty rude - but hopefully they'll not hold it against him. Even if they don't like pop they'd need to be deaf and stupid to not realises he's a great singer after his performance.
  10. I can imagine a serious rock band like Rooster might be a bit at having all the crowd there for Gaz, but I don't think they were being disrespectful to Gareth - rather just making a joke out of the fact that if they mentioned his name everyone would scream.
  11. She'll be fuming. Good. What a lovely article.
  12. I've just added links for individual files of him chatting in my earlier post.
  13. The city's Christmas Lights will be switched on. Gareth's attendance has been confirmed. Read the press release here, join in the excitement of anticipation here and listen live on the night (fingers crossed) here. Gareth will be performing a 'short festive set'. One not to be missed The fun starts at 5.30pm
  14. Snowdrop

    Judie Tzuke

    Graham has been part of her touring band in the past, so I think he was always supposed to be on stage.
  15. Yes, very definite about it he was too.
  16. Snowdrop

    Judie Tzuke

    It's all valuable experience isn't it?
  17. Fabulous - and a treat for us all. I think we'd have to wait until there was a Christmas single to get it recorded, but this makes it more special.
  18. Just added a couple more links - the bottom ones are probably better.
  19. I've done them individually. MP3 files of the singing Silent Night: http://s11.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=66F5200...C5E9A080F07512C (1MB) Holy Night: http://s11.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=C32F65C...F7E8E9D596E5312 (0.56MB) Christmas and I'm Home: http://s11.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=7A2A04C...FFFEFDE21794FB7 (0.73MB) Wav files of him chatting http://s11.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=E735BF2...7EB627EA57C8E34 http://s11.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=77A57D9...6532D7920FB9AD2 http://s11.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=D51BCBB...24309A18D944F59 All quite small.
  20. Snowdrop

    Judie Tzuke

    Could that be Lovely Graham over on the right?
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