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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. The DJ has said he's going to be playing Changes soon. Only 20 mins left of the program so it can't be long :hyper:
  2. Can't help thinking that, that dynamic video coupled with the powerful and emotional Changes, is going to be a fantastic combination. Wish Sunday would come quicker :hyper:
  3. This has been put on YouTube. I'm not sure if its Gareth or not
  4. I'm still shaking. Can't stop my heart from thumping. It was just beautiful.
  5. Was that fab or what! I'm just loving what he said afterwards too. `That song is gonna be a big hit and a standard people are going to listen to for years to come' :hyper: :hyper:
  6. Thanks Pongo. Is that from today? Now I'm going to be glued to my comp for the next 3 hours :hyper: To hell with the housework :frantics:
  7. KT Tunstall's album is still one of my favourites. In fact she is the one female singer who I would love to see Gareth do a duet with.
  8. Thanks for putting that on here Snowdrop. I've read it a couple of times on the new site, but it wasn't easy for me to read (eyesight not being what it was). Lots of points stood out much better for me reading it here. I'm really looking forward to hearing `Electric'. It sounds a very dynamic track. Gareth's approach now is so very different to what it was five years ago. He's showing a very mature and realistic side to him. Far and away from the boyish kidology we got used to seeing from him. Its ONLY been three years since we last saw any public appearances, but reading Gareth's comments I believe he has grown up 10 years in that time. The new site is fantastic, I agree with you Khelda and what I like and what shows how much faith 19 have in Gareth is the fact they are prepared to ask for opinions regarding the structure of the site from those thousands of fans who have waited and also kept faith in him for so long. They know they are on to a winner with Gareth.
  9. Don't know if this is correct, but they've got the album in the new Release Schedule on Buzzjack Could it be right :hyper: :hyper:
  10. I'm not sure if this has been posted before. I had a look through the thread but I couldn't see it. Its from AOL Entertainment http://entertainment.aol.co.uk/bigstoryent...222061809990001
  11. Thanks Hazzy. That's not too bad, apart from the fact she seems to think Gareth only released cover songs previously. At least she's giving a positive vibe for the future.
  12. There's a little video clip of Gareth leaving the Showcase on the Sun site http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,11021-2...ID=1347_SUN1258
  13. Didn't he look lovely there and he's looking and sounding so self-assured. Fantastic. Thanks Floz :smile:
  14. Thank you everyone for all these reports. My God he's everywhere and most of it is just fantastic. Loving the picture I'm still trying to catch up with everything.
  15. Thanks Vicky. I was out and missed that. Lovely little interview :heart:
  16. I've just managed to listen to this little bit on Radio 1. Changes was lovely. The bit they used sounds quite different from the bit on MySpace. If anyone wants to listen, its 2 hours into the program on the News section.
  17. Thanks Ann. That's brilliant. JK and Joel are Radio 1 aren't they. They're the ones who do the Chart run down on Sundays
  18. Thanks Maggie. It was nice to actually hear what was said :smile:
  19. Thanks for that Snowdrop. I got a call from Ann Gates who'd heard it, but so excited she couldn't remember what Sara had said. She definitely will be in for a shock if she's expecting to see a young teenage boy :laugh:
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