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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Thanks Walkatir. They're lovely. Look forward to seeing some more :heart:
  2. Ooh, that sounds good. I'm going to have to get Jade to help me do that
  3. It works wonderfully Hazzy. Its great to have all the clips together to listen to. Thanks
  4. I loved all three songs, but 19 Mins was definitely my favourite
  5. I hope Bradfordian won't mind me bringing this picture over here. Its such a lovely picture and a bit different, I know everyone on here would love to see it too
  6. Those are two really lovely pictures. So natural. Thank you for posting them
  7. You're not wrong Maria. Doris is very, very talented with her pictures. Love them
  8. Doris, that is really fantastic. I absolutely love it
  9. Found another pic on the other site. I'm sure the person who posted it won't mind me bringing it over here
  10. That's all I can find at the moment. If anyone objects to me copying the ones from the other site, please let me know and I'll remove them.
  11. Thought it would be nice to have somewhere where we could look solely at the pics from the Gig. I've started off with what I was able to post in one go. Please post any others you find anywhere.
  12. What a beautiful picture of Gareth. A picture of glowing happiness Thanks for showing it to us Heather
  13. Great report Sharon. Like I've said before, every report is wonderful, but when its written by someone who hasn't met Gareth previously, the excitement flows out and its fantastic to read and sense the excitement. Love your picture too.
  14. What a lovely report Maria. All the reports are wonderful, but there is something special reading a report from someone who has met him for the first time. Like I said to you on the official, I know what you mean about not needing a picture to remember. I would also have it embedded into my memory if I ever got the chance to meet Gareth. I often feel its not going to happen for me, but you're a classic case of believing that it will one day. I'm so pleased for you :heart:
  15. And someone is holding on very tightly around that waist
  16. Your pictures are really good Khelda. I particularly like these two Thanks for showing them to us
  17. Thank you Khelda, for your report in the calm light of day. But thank you also for giving it to us so quickly last night and also for your telephone call. Felt so much better after I'd spoken to you. I'm really looking forward to the album even more than before now. The music sounds fantastic. But really we weren't expecting any other were we. Well done you, for remembering everything so well and giving such a detailed report when you must have been in turmoil inside Looking forward to seeing your pictures now.
  18. Just came back to read this whole thread again, now I've calmed down a bit. Two very noticable things I didn't pick up on last night. Not only was Gareth ready to stand and sign autographs for about an hour, but he also was prepared to listen to what the fans were saying to him. Look at the concentration in this first photo. And here in this second one, its not the fan grabbing hold of Gareth's hand its Gareth holding hers. That's what we all mean when we say he really cares for his fans. We are so lucky to be supporting a pop star such as Gareth Edit: Thanks Heather for your report. I'm so pleased you enjoyed yourself last night :heart:
  19. Good on you Walkatir, getting the names of all the songs. Lovely pictures. Look forward to seeing the rest tomorrow, or when you've got the time to post them up. Glad you had a good time
  20. Thanks for that Janice. I don't know how many more tears I've got left to shed tonight, or how many more times I'm going to have to swallow the lump in my throat. This has been the most emotional night and all down to one truly amazing young man
  21. What a truly amazing young man he is. Always ready to give thanks and appreciation to everyone. He's filled with gentleness and humility. Truly one in a million. Now that's started me off again. Love him so much
  22. Can I post your report on the Official site Moliudiama?
  23. Thank you so much for that fantastic report. He hasn't lost his cheekiness I see What a great evening you all had
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