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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. The holding page has been updated on the Official site and Changes is to be released on 9th April :hyper: :hyper:
  2. Thanks Snowdrop. I like the comparison with George Michael. As for the rest of his opinion, well I suppose he couldn't have said anything more positive, or he would have run the risk of losing his reputation for snidiness. I think he's way off the mark with his comments about Ray Quinn. Pleased they've chosen that title for the Album, even though it appears he's got that wrong as well. I thought it was `Pictures OF The Other Side'
  3. She's been up in the clouds for days now. Is it all getting too much for you Khelda. It is for me. I can't stand the tension :laugh: :hyper:
  4. When do you think we'll start getting feedback from the evening?
  5. The Pop Justice mailout has just been sent out http://view.keymail-email.com/?ffcb10-fe81...-fef51679706002 Take a look at Item No 10 right at the bottom edits. I think the link will keep disappearing. It says So that is Wednesday 21st ................
  6. I've just had my first invitation to rate some bands. 207 of them. Its taken me almost an hour :shocked:
  7. I've signed up. What I meant was that they may get fed up with me not liking much, other than Gareth's stuff :tongue:
  8. I'll sign up, but I'm not sure I'll be much good at this
  9. A new member has posted info on Gareth's official site of a song `Dark Days' which Gareth wrote with Judie Tzuke I wish Gareth would release it too. I've been looking forward to hearing this song for ages :smile:
  10. I think he's made the right choice with Changes. Gareth always puts all his emotions into his singing, but on this one its even more noticeable. And the lyrics obviously mean so much to him. Haven't got a clue what the video will be like though. I'm never very good at guessing that sort of thing
  11. It was the brilliant Hazzy, Maria. She's a genius
  12. I wondered that too Khelda. How do they get Honours and who gives them
  13. Ralla is very clever the way she's put that together. Love the way she's got the before and after :smile:
  14. Thanks. Lovely to see them all up on there. I'm sure Ralla is working her way through all the songs and we'll soon have 19 Minutes on there as well :smile:
  15. Hi and welcome to the site. I'm sure someone will be able to put the link up again for you. I loved all the songs that were shown in the programme. Can't stop listening to them :hyper:
  16. Walkatir you are a genius. My only wish is that I'd been able to click on that link before I put myself through all the stress of sorting myself out. Still now, I'm over it, I'm glad I persisted :laugh:
  17. Phew! Thank goodness I didn't miss anything :laugh: Come back Janice, it was a lovely experiment :heart:
  18. This is doing my head in. I saved to My Pictures, but I can only see one picture. Are there meant to be several? I give up :frantics:
  19. How do I download that attachment please Janice?
  20. I don't think I've got the nerve, after the amount you've done for me recently
  21. Yours is just as nice Walkatir. I'm loving all these new banners with the new pictures. Hazzy?
  22. What's better than two, THREE :laugh: :laugh:
  23. If you log onto SBG's site you can listen to them all together. http://www.sugarboxgirl.com/
  24. That's a lovely banner you've made there Hazzy. Love the subtle colours
  25. Those are great reviews Khelda, espeially the second one. Good find
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