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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. You're not the only one Inge. I don't think my feet have touched the ground yet :hyper: :hyper:
  2. Have applied for tickets. Got everything crossed at the moment :hyper:
  3. Thanks for showing us Gareth's reply Sweetpromise. It doesn't surprise me one little bit, that he answered like that. He's such a sweetie
  4. Don't want to put a damper on this thought, because it did actually occur to me too, but would it clash with the Bournemouth McGuire course. Not quite sure when the lights are switched on
  5. Oh I do agree. How on earth would we have been able to express ourselves without them :hyper: :hyper: :frantics: :frantics: :heart:
  6. Had to come back for another read, just to make sure I wasn't dreaming :hyper: :hyper:
  7. I just can't believe this has happened at last. What wonderful news. And guess what I've only just seen the message. It must have appeared on ggates about 10 minutes after I'd gone out with the family for my treat for my birthday. Ann phoned me, but I couldn't speak to her as I was in a restaurant and I've been on tenterhooks all evening wondering what the message said. I just knew we were going to hear something this week. What a brilliant, brilliant, birthday present this is. I'm dancing and screaming and crying all at the same time Edit: Sorry forgot to say thank you to everyone who has spread the news around tonight :hyper: :hyper:
  8. I'm really pleased for Zoe. She really deserved to have done better with her recording career. She has a far better voice than several of the young females in the chart these days
  9. Thanks Walkatir. That was lovely to watch again. They all had such a great time doing that. Lots of Gareth banners in the crowd too
  10. Does anyone have a recording of `Get Happy' (Zoe's song from the Big Band) who would be able to convert it and upload for us please. There are lots of lovely shots of Gareth on there, which I for one would love to see again. And I'm sure there are lots of others who would too
  11. Aww! That's nice. Just when I needed perking up a bit They do look very happy together don't they :heart:
  12. Thanks Floz. That link worked and I can see the other link now as well
  13. Can't see it Floz :frantics:
  14. I can echo that Walkatir Can't believe the way I react at the slightest bit of news about Gareth at my age
  15. They certainly are quality and really up with the trend. He's always taken a great picture, but they just seem to be getting better with age Can't wait to see pictures like this printed everywhere.
  16. Just Shazza has posted a few new pictures of Gareth and Suzanne in Spain recently. They are quite small but lovely Plus this one, recently found by Pongo. Doris has also made a couple a little bit bigger. *link here for ggates thread*
  17. That was great. Love Say It Isn't So
  18. Thanks for finding that Khelda. That was lovely to watch and listen to
  19. Been having a listen on U-tube again today. Interesting comment on the `Yesterday' accoustic video. Bit negative but someone said Noticeable that even someone who says they dislike Gareth can see what a fabulous singer he is. Though how they can say they hate someone after listening to that I just don't know
  20. Thanks for spotting that Khelda. I love that song
  21. Thanks Floz. That was nice. Quite a confident performance from our Gareth. He's so natural isn't he.
  22. Oh don't worry Khelda. I cry almost every time I listen to that song.
  23. What can you say. That is the most beautiful song I've ever heard. The quality of Gareth's voice on that is truly amazing. Should definitely have been released as a single. Huge opportunity missed in my opinion. Thanks Khelda, even though you've made me cry again
  24. Now look here Sweetpromise, that was not quite the imagination I was meaning. What exactly are you trying to do to me, first thing in the morning Thank your son for trying to help with his suggestions but 1 I haven't got a clue what region coded means 2 I wouldn't know how to do a software update (might be easier to buy a new DVD player) 3 The only other machine I could try it on would be my daughters and she already thinks I've lost the plot 4 I've not even tried it in my computer, I will give that a try I think I'm just a lost cause Perhaps now you can give me some more calming things to use my imagination on Oh Doris, I know how you feel, but we just have to hold on a little bit longer. It's all going to be worth it in the end, just you wait and see Good job you decided to watch your DVD. It will keep you going until we get the real thing back
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