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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Don't worry about it please. As long as I get to see it eventually. I've learned to be very patient where Gareth is concerned
  2. Its not broken. It just won't seem to play these home-made DVD's. Snowdrop has tried three different ways of producing it for me, but none have worked. You'll just all have to keep telling me all about what's on it and I'll have to use my imagination
  3. Glad you're all enjoying your DVD. Unfortunately my stupid player won't let me watch mine
  4. Thanks for letting us know, Snowdrop. That's a shame its causing you all these problems. I'm happy to have mine whenever you can do it
  5. Such a cheeky face Thanks for those.
  6. Yes I like it Snowdrop and I think its very appropriate. I'm really excited to see Listen To My Heart listed on there. I don't think I've ever seen Gareth performing that and I love the song
  7. That sounds really great. Can't wait to see what you mean about the fans Roll on April
  8. Thanks Floz How very heartwarming to know that Gareth and his family can relate to his fans this way. He was very nice of them to contact Tracey's family after their very sad loss.
  9. How very nice that Tracie actually got to meet her idol before she passed away.
  10. I never actually knew or spoke to Tracie, but my thoughts and sympathy go to her family and friends. What a lovely girl she looks in that photo and what a very sad loss
  11. I really like the new Banner. Thanks Rachel for putting it together and anyone else who contributed with ideas.
  12. That's very impressive Rachel. Its going to be really hard to decide on a new logo from all these good ones. Glad I don't have to make the decision
  13. Yes. Broadway is my favourite.
  14. I like that Hazzy, its very striking.
  15. I thought you might like to know Val, that your beautiful story has been resurrected on ggates. Its in s54 in a thread called `A Glimpse of Gareth' if you want to have a look.
  16. I really like the second one. With a few music notes added would be great.
  17. I like your logo without the picture Rachel. And I also love your one Hazzy. That picture just does something to me.
  18. I also love this pic. The passion in Gareth's face is amazing. Would be a good choice if possible.
  19. This new Gallery section was a really great idea. Thanks Snowdrop, and anyone else who helped set it up.
  20. What a beautiful story, Sweetpromise. It is the inner strength and beauty of Gareth I think that attracts us all to him. He is such an inspiration and once you are hooked I think you'd find it very difficult to break free of him. Not that I ever want to. I love him to bits.
  21. Actually Khelda I think what put James Blunt into people's minds were the Radio stations. Apparently, and I think I'm right in saying this, his album had been out for months with no-one taking much notice of it until the Radio DJ's started promoting him constantly. Plus he had the backing of Elton John I think. Whatever it was it certainly worked for him. If only Gareth could get that sort of support instead of all the negative stuff he's had to contend with before. As for the album cover, I think maybe 19 have issued two totally different photos of Gareth, because they want to see the reaction to each of them. I think there is certainly more thought going into what's best for Gareth now, than there was after Pop Idol, when they cashed in on his popularity and he was used as a pawn to make money for the company.
  22. I agree with you ShellCool. I too prefer the Gareth we know and love. The picture might grab attention for a while, but I'm sure the music will speak for itself. I don't want to hear people saying Gareth had to flaunt his body to achieve success again, because it's not true. Gareth's music and voice will always be the best thing about him for me and I'm sure many others. But I'm sure there will be a few people who will get much pleasure in saying this. This is my humble opinion too.
  23. Thanks very much Maggie.This photo gets more GORGEOUS the bigger it gets. Do you think they might appreciate one of these on ggates. Valx
  24. Think you could be right there Sugar. It was about this time of year when he was promoting `Sunshine', that he had one before. Could be a sore caused by the Sun I think.
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