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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Thanks for posting those. Red definitely suits Gareth. Lovely pics :heart:
  2. Jenjo, I've put a link to that article on the OS. I hope that's OK with you. Here's the actual link for anyone who can't find it.
  3. Thanks Jenjo. What a glowing report for Gareth.
  4. What I've been frustrated about, was the way the music side of things didn't go quite as well as I'd hoped. Now after seeing that interview, I think I can see why almost every time Gareth was interviewed on TV, almost all the concentration was on the speech and very little on the music. This was the way Gareth obviously had to do things to get the results he wanted. Which in itself only emphasizes even more what an outstanding person he is. That he can be patient and wait for the ultimate success his music deserves until he conquers other factors in his life. I totally agree that seeing all the hard work Gareth puts in to helping other stammerers is very rewarding and I'm very proud of him. But much as thats nice for us to see, those rewards are Gareth's personal rewards. What I now want to see is him achieving the rewards he deserves for his outstanding musical ability, which is what brought him to our attention originally.
  5. OMG I've just watched that interview and didn't he come across well. So relaxed (most relaxed I've ever seen him I think). It seems the answer to all the questions I've had recently are in that interview. He's got to revisit all these places where he couldn't speak previously, before he's able to really move on with his life and concentrate on his music. Is that the way everyone else saw it. If that is the case, whilst we may be a bit frustrated at the moment, we'll have the rewards of all Gareth's hard work eventually. I must say watching that has restored all my faith again (which I'm ashamed to say, I was definitely beginning to lose) :shocked: He's an inspiration and must be a total joy for all those people he has helped. He's taught me a lesson in learning how to be patient :heart:
  6. Thank you Snowdrop. Been looking forward to seeing this :hyper:
  7. Thanks Floz. Looking very nice. I love what he's wearing :heart:
  8. Sharon has posted this fantastic report on OS. I'm sure she won't mind it being brought over here. She never has in the past :smile:
  9. Yes, unfortunately, I think you're right Khelda. The program is on for almost 2 and a half hours, so we're going to have a long wait yet I fear
  10. I managed to get the beginning of the program playing through Real player, but then it cut off and I can't get it back again :frantics:
  11. I've got the News playing when I click on the link. Is that right or have I clicked on the wrong thing?
  12. Is there anyone on this site who is able to record Gareth's interview in Ireland on Friday and put it up for us to watch please
  13. Thanks Floz. Its taken me ages to try to get the Homepage to load and find out what the news was Wonder if we'll be able to listen over here, or if someone will be able to post it up for us :smile:
  14. I've seen the advert a few times on Sky Sports. I've been watching the 20/20 Cricket from South Africa and they've been showing it in the ad breaks :tongue:
  15. Gareth's match is the following Wednesday, isn't it. I wonder if they'll show anything of him in the previous programs :smile:
  16. Thanks for telling us that Ian. I thought I'd missed something when I read Khelda's post Perhaps you could let us know, if you get any more details :smile:
  17. I've just looked through the Sky 1 programs for the next week and as far as I can see there aren't any more programs until next Sunday at 8 o'clock.
  18. They will be playing against Sunderland Only a few glimpses, but he looked lovely in a blue and white stripped shirt :heart:
  19. I don't know what happened with Sylvia's pictures, but they are the same ones on that link and there's even more of them :laugh: Thanks for posting the link Heather.
  20. Sylvia has found lots more pictures from Manchester :heart:
  21. Oh well, I don't know Hazzy. I just can't seem to do right for doing wrong lately. Take no notice of me :smile:
  22. I'm glad you brought them over Maggie. I always seem to be filling up the site with pictures and thought everyone might get a bit annoyed with me. I want to be able to keep looking at them too. They're fantastic aren't they
  23. Someone on OS has found some lovely pictures of Gareth from Blackpool http://www.garethgates.com/messageBoard/ub...ge=1#Post219418 Wasn't sure whether to copy them all over as there are quite a lot of them. If you scroll down, SarahJane has enlarged them.
  24. Welcome to the site and thanks for offering to answer questions. Please come back and tell us all about the match after the event.
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